How To Target Facebook Ads To "Hotel Ibis" Audience | AdTargeting

How To Target Facebook Ads To "Hotel Ibis" Audience | AdTargeting

Many people are wondering whether their "Hotel Ibis" Facebook ads are working when the "Hotel Ibis" advertising are not getting any reach. Your "Hotel Ibis" Facebook ads can help you expand brand awareness, increase coverage and bring conversions, only if you choose the right Facebook interests and target your audience accurately. 

The interest "Hotel Ibis" has 2,785,450 audiences on Facebook, this means that your "Hotel Ibis" facebook ads has many potential audiences. So the point is, how to target these people and make them really become yours. AdTargeting can be helpful. It is one of the best Facebook interest targeting tool to discover hidden or niche interests of "Hotel Ibis" Facebook ads that your competitor don't know, and provide audience analysis report. Keep reading and see how to target your audience precisely at once! In order to get more content, you can check the website interest targeting tool.

The interest "Hotel Ibis" overview

Interest Audience Gender ratio of the audience Major Age
 Hotel Ibis   2,785,450 Men accounted for51.4%
Women accounted for48.6%

At first, we can have an overview of "Hotel Ibis". The interest "Hotel Ibis"  has 2,785,450 audiences in Facebook. Among these audiences, men accounted for 51.4%, women accounted for 48.6%. The major age of Hotel Ibis audiences is 25-34, and they accounted for 36.88%.

There are also many hidden interests of "Hotel Ibis". You can choose the most appropriate interest for your "Hotel Ibis" advertising according to the real situation.

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"Hotel Ibis" Facebook ads audience analysis report

When you run "Hotel Ibis" advertisements on Facebook, you need to set suitable audience targeting conditions in "Hotel Ibis" Facebook ads. After analyzing the audience of "Hotel Ibis" , you can get the report of "Hotel Ibis" audience analysis include many detailed information:


The majority of people interested in "Hotel Ibis" between 25-34, and they accounted for 36.88%. And other age groups like 35-44 accounted for 22.43%. The people interested in "Hotel Ibis" between 18-24 accounted for 20.12%.

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Women accounted for 48.6% and men accounted for 51.4%.

Relationship Status

The majority of people interested in "Hotel Ibis" are in a relationship of Engaged and they take a large proportion for about 39.5%.


The majority of people have a College degree.

Job Title

From the job title of the audience, we can analyze that the people interested in "Hotel Ibis" who work on Administrative Services have the largest audience account for 22.9%. Besides this, people work on Management and Sales also have many audience.


People in Brazil have the highest passion for "Hotel Ibis". And India and France also have large numbers of people interested in "Hotel Ibis".

In addition to the report of audience analysis mentioned above, you can use Facebook interest targeting tool to explore more detailed audience analysis information. All data can be viewed on AdTargeting.

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Lists of interests for "Hotel Ibis" Facebook ads

After analyzing the audience, you can also find other most related interests of "Hotel Ibis". And there is a Facebook interest list that maybe helpful for you in AdTargeting . You can not only get the lists of interests but also the audience number of each interest. The recommendation of relevant interests can give you some inspiration to choose interests for "Hotel Ibis" advertising.

Interest Audience
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Target "Hotel Ibis" audience of competitors with Facebook Pages 

The audiences of competitors are also our potential audiences. You can target audience of competitors with Facebook Pages in AdTargeting. A higher affinity score, means a higher relevance of the Facebook Page to your audience. Other professional contents: tiktok captions that go viral, facebook jewelry ads.

Just get the most related Facebook Pages of "Hotel Ibis" and use them to target your Facebook ads to "Hotel Ibis" audience.

Page Audience Following Affinity
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Reports of other interests

You can also get some reports of other interests. Then you can do better in Facebook audience optimization and target Facebook ads to audience more accurately. Here are the reports you might be interested in:

What's more, you can have a fast browsing of popular interests in Top Charts very easily to follow the industrial trend. Wanna target Facebook ads to "Hotel Ibis" audience? Just practice these advices now!

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