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Facebook Interest & Google Keyword Targeting Tool

AdTargeting is best Facebook Interest & Google Keyword targeting tool to discover hidden or niche adwords of massive audiences
It can help you max the ROI of advertise audience targeting




Facebook Interest Targeting Tool And Google keyword Analysis

AdTargeting provides a large number of keywords to reveal hidden interests that help you precisely target the audience and steal competitors' traffic!

audience targeting tool

Get Facebook interests list of 1000 related interests or list of Google keywords by keyword search!


Obtained interest analytics report and Google keywords analysis report. You can also get Facebook advertiser analysis as well to spy on Facebook ads of your competitors and steal their traffic.


Summary by interest Category, such as Shopping and Fashion, Entertainment, Business and Industry, Technology. Subdivisions are also supported to enhance user experience in categories.


Compare the audience differences between two interests or compare the differences between two keywords to choose the one that best suits the product.


Insight into classifications and lists of interest or keyword to grasp industry hotspots and trends.


Expand related interests for different Countries. Target interest from different countries and get audience insight

Optimize with Google Keyword & Facebook Interest Targeting Tool

What are the benefits of using AdTargeting for your Facebook or Google ads?

Find facebook interests and target competitors' audiences

To expand and discover great interest, take the guesswork out of interest targeting. Or target competitors' Facebook Page fans by interest analytics.


Facebook audience targeting tool

Use Google keyword planner to find suitable Google keyword

To reduce the cost and maximize effectiveness of advertising, you should be more cautious about the choice of keywords. Get the search volume, trend, CPC and Paid difficulty of keywords by using Google keyword planner, and to choose the most suitable one with it.


google keywords research for audience targeting

Save Time And Make Interests Research Easier With Interest Package

To reduce time to search for interests, you can add the interests you have collected to the package. See if that interest is related like it has the right size, then add to package, then move on to the next one. Finally, you can get the most relevant interest words in the package. and use them in batches.


facebook interests package

Adds interests directly to your ad manager in a single click

Connect your Facebook Ad Account, select some interests in the package, and the geographic location where you want to place the ad. Finally, with a single click, you can apply your research results to adsets.


target audience analysis

Discover advertiser pages to spy on Facebook ads of your competitors

To discover more advertiser pages and get Facebook advertiser analysis include Advertising trend, Hot words, Geographical distribution, Platform distribution, and Creatives type. You can also get distribution Creatives Insight to spy on Facebook ads of your competitors and steal their traffic.


facebook advertiser spy tool

Compare interests (or keywords) and choose the more appropriate one

Compare interests by Age, Gender, Education, Job, Location, etc. And analyze the audience to find more appropriate interests for your marketing. Compare keywords by paid difficulty, search volume trend and regions in Google trends compare to find more suitable keyword.


compare two adwords and view audience detail

Want a precise audience? You're in the right place!


Join thousands of satisfied customers using our free toolkit.

I found more different Facebook interests and Google Keywords. Most of the system recommended words can be analyzed in detail. I expect this tool to do better.

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Maryam A.

I strongly recommend the Ad targeting tool, a necessary tool for Facebook or Google advertisers and marketers. It has a large number of Interest suggestions.

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